Termite Awareness Week came and went. During spring and summer, termites become more active. Every year in the United States, termites cause more than $5 billion in property damage. One of the “hot-spots” for termite invasion is Texas.
Termite Awareness Week
Designated by the National Pest Management Association, Termite Awareness Week occurs March 25 to 29 to raise awareness about the damage termites cause. Termite damage costs home owners more than $5 billion per year and isn’t typically covered by homeowner insurance policies.
The cost to home owners for treatment and damage repair averages $3,000 per event. The National Pest Management Association encourages home and business owners to pest-proof their buildings in the spring. To help you prevent and combat termite infestations, hire the professionals at Texoma Pest Management.
The warm weather of spring awakens termites, and they begin swarming to form new colonies. Their voracious appetites allow them to feed twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. They silently chew the cellulose in the wood of your building, causing structural problems.
Kevin Brasket, owner of Texoma Pest Management, recommends termite protection from qualified pest professionals. Let Texoma Pest Management detect termites before they cause too much damage to your property.
Problem Solved
Termites chew wood, working their way to the center, then chewing their way out. Kevin Brasket offered this advice, “Signs of an infestation don’t generally appear until too much damage is done. I recommend our specialists to investigate your home or business.”
He continued, “You risk too much when you attempt to treat the termites yourself. Don’t place your home, business, and family at serious risk. To keep your property safe from any pest, Texoma Pest Management introduces our AIM.”
Texoma Pest Management
Texoma Pest Management provides professional termite control and pest management services in the Texoma area. Their 20 years of experiences allows them to understand the effect of Texas termites and other pests on you. They Access your situation, Implement a plan, and Manage your pests for you. Put up a solid defense with Texoma Pest Management of Wichita Falls, Texas.
Call them at 940-867-3509.