I close my eyes thinking about the beautiful countryside, green hills, and colorful flowers that grace Asia. Images of beauty and serenity roll gracefully through my mind. Then, something hits my arm. Shocked into reality, I open my eyes to see that my garden has been invaded by Asian Lady Beetles.
Its Origin
Asian Lady Beetles were actually transplanted from Asia to Texas in the 1980’s. The USDA imported them as a biological control for aphids. They appear to be lady bugs, with bright color and spots.
Identification of Asian Lady Beetles
Everyone love ladybugs and loves to see them in their gardens. However, Asian Lady Beetles may look like ladybugs, but they don’t act like them. The only two ways to identify these little pests is by handling them or call for help. They bite! Personally, I’d rather call Texoma Pest Management.
Perhaps you consider bug bites more annoying than dangerous in this case. That would be true. However, in winter, Asian Lady Beetles seek warm places to sleep. They usually stay in groups of more than a thousand. That number of bugs actually causes a real stink. The smell is nearly intolerable. In addition, they affect natural biodiversity.
Texoma Pest Management
Texoma Pest Management, a premier pest management company in Wichita Falls, knows pests. They identify them and choose the best way to eradicate or control them. With their three-point plan, Texoma Pest Management AIMs to take care of your pests for you. Their AIM includes:
- Assessment. Texoma Pest Management provides professional identification and evaluation of your pest problem.
- Implementation. They present a well-written, easy-to-read report focusing on a plan to eradicate or remove your pests. Texoma Pest Management introduces you to the professional in charge of implementation. You also receive a report about the chemicals used, if any.
- Maintenance Plan. If you think eradicating pests keeps them away, then think again. Texoma Pest Management proposes a plan to maintain your newly pest-free zone. You choose the time and day for your professional to visit your facility.
Call Texoma Pest Management Today
If you have Asian Lady Beetles in your business or residence, then call the best pest management company. If you live in Wichita Falls or the Texoma area, then Texoma Pest Management is the best. They make certain they don’t confuse Asian Lady Beetles with ladybugs.
Call Texoma Pest Management at 940-867-3509 or Click Here to visit their informative website.